Based on the nature of your clients’ commercial marine business, we may be able to quote a Workers’ Compensation policy that includes U.S. Longshore & Harbors (USL&H) coverage and add a Maritime Employer’s Liability (MEL) coverage endorsement that is designed to cover the daily dangers that your clients face. This program is available in all states, offers in-house binding authority with prompt turnarounds, and access to excellent USL&H claims expertise. With access to over 20 admitted marine markets, we can quote most marine-related risks. In addition, this program offers access to non-admitted marine markets for the harder-to-place accounts.
United States Longshore & Harbor Workers:
- $10,000 minimum premium with USL&H for nearly all classes (1% or more exposure)
- Can quote WC / USL&H on marine-related risks
- Guaranteed cost
- State Act and USL&H on same policy
- Large deductibles available
- Maritime Employer’s Liability (MEL) available monoline or with USL&H / WC
Target Classes Including, But Not Limited To:
- Marine artisan contractors
- Marine contractors
- Boat builders
- Ship repairers
- Terminal operators